Start up weekend (Sheffield)

Well, what an intense weekend. I was amazed at the calibre of initial pitches and the final 10 teams outputs.

The winning team had a simple concept of managing doctors appointments to drive down no shows. The solution was an enhanced SMS system which was well researched and integratable into most surgery systems.  The final pitch was good and they deserved to win the weekend. Other ideas were around 3D imaging to cut down on the number of returned clothes from on-line purchases, peer parcel systems and an international sports team contact system.

Our team did not disgrace itself, we built a prototype ticketing system which overcomes most of the problems of modern systems. Put simply it provides all the functionality of Oyster at a fraction of the cost.

Even though there was only  couple of hundred people at the final session, the power of twitter spread it far and wide. Since then I’ve been approached by a number of people who are interested in our ticketing ideas.

I’ll put a longer update later, but if anyone is interested in the solution please contact us.
